2013年12月17日 星期二

"回音"解密號外 "The Fabulous Echoes" Leaks EXTRA

在去年發表的" 回音"解密 - "The Fabulous Echoes" Leaks " 一文中, The Fabulous Echoes 的 Mr. Bert Sagum 說已忘記是誰建議邀請鄧寄塵先生合唱 "Speedy Gonzales 墨西哥女郎"這曲, 不過從香港電台電視部攝製的節目"香港故事"中, Uncle Ray (Ray Cordero) 憶述是當年鑽石唱片公司的經理(並沒有透露其姓名), 他聽了 Pat Boone 的 Speedy Gonzales 後覺得這歌很有趣, 便想到邀請鄧寄塵先生合作灌錄此曲。此外他再講述 The Fabulous Echoes 的前身是一群菲律賓青年組成的樂隊, 名叫 P.I. Rock and Rollers (P.I.是 Philippines Island 的縮寫)。

Uncle Ray (Ray Cordero)

在向 Mr. Bert Sagum 打聽有關 P.I. Rock and Rollers 的資料時, 他說 P.I. Rock and Rollers "從未正式成為樂隊的名稱, 最初的隊名便是在 "回音"解密 - "The Fabulous Echoes" Leaks "中所述的 Blue Echo, 然後便改為 The Fabulous Echoes, 到現在的 Society of Seven. 以下是 Mr. Bert Sagum 的回覆:

P.I. Rock and Rollers was never officially use by the fabulous echoes. Blue Echo was the original name then we change it to The Fabulous Echoes. Now  The Society of Seven. Only 2 original member alive and well and still performing.

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從 Mr. Sagum 的回應推斷, 相信 P.I. Rock and Rollers 是一群愛樂的菲律賓青年, 敘首一堂 Jam 歌, 於是便被冠以 P.I. Rock and Rollers 的名稱, 但並非正式的組合, 到 Mr. Sagum 成為 Tony and Danny Ruivivar 的樂隊成員時才正式命名為 "The Fabulous Echoes"。

說回 Speedy Gonzales (Buddy Kaye, Ethel Lee, David Ness @ David Hill) 這曲 , Pat Boone 的也是翻唱版本, 原唱者為 David Dante (即此曲的作者之一 David Ness) 於 1961年首先推出唱片, Pat Boone 的版本於翌年才推出, 卻成功打入 Billboard Hot 100 的十大 (No. 6)。

Pat Boone  - Speedy Gonzales (1962)

David Dante - Speedy Gonzales (1961)

在" 回音"解密 - "The Fabulous Echoes" Leaks " 於去年 10月22日發表後, 網友 DVD 兄想了解更多江玲與 The Fabulous Echoes 合作的安排, 而我亦想 Mr. Sagum 進一步提供其他資料,  於是分別於去年 10月及今年 3月再電郵 Mr. Sagum, 他最終於 3月5日回應有關提問, 內容如下:

Email  to Mr. Bert Sagum on 22 Oct 2011(sent again in March 2012)

Mr. Sagum
Thanks for your reply on 24 Aug 2011,  I have posted a new article based on your reply, please click the following link to see it.

多謝你於 24/8/2011 給我的回應,根據你的回覆我發表了一篇新的文章, 請點擊下連觀看。

回音"解密 - "The Fabulous Echoes" Leaks

This is the link showing "Dancing on the moon" as appeared in the awarded winning movie "Echoes of the rainbow"
這個連結是得獎電影"歲月神偷"裡 Dancing on the moon 的片段。

After posting the article, one of my blog mate wants me to ask some questions, I should be grateful if you can entertain me once again.
這篇文章發表後, 一位網友希望我替他問一些問題, 我希望你能再為我效勞。

1. The Fabulous Echoes had teamed up with Kong Ling and put out two albums, how did this collaboration start?

江玲曾與回音樂隊合作推出兩張專輯, 請問這個組合是如何結成的?

2. Did Kong Ling perform together with The Fabulous Echoes live at Sunya or Paramount?


3. In the song "South Pacific Twist" by Kong Ling, she sang some verses in Cantonese, who came up with the idea to sing this Cantonese verse ?
江玲在 "South Pacific Twist" 一曲中唱了些廣東話歌詞.......我地一齊來唱歌, 我地一齊來跳舞, 來跳來跳來跳 Twist, 唐人叫做扭腰舞........, 這是誰的構思?

4. The song "Sunshine" was composed by Frances Silva Kirk and Vic Critobal, can you ask Fannie about the creation and collaboration with Vic in composing this song?

"Sunshine" 一曲是由Frances Silva Kirk and Vic Cristobal 創作, 請你問問 Fannie (Frances Silva Kirk) 關於與 Vic (Cristobal) 創作這曲的過程。

5. You have mentioned Mr. Tony Ruivivar's father was the band leader of Peninsula Hotel, I should be grateful if you can tell me his father's
name in full?

你曾提到 Tony Ruivivar 的父親曾任半島酒店的樂隊領班, 可否告知他父親的全名?

Third reply from Mr.Bert Sagum, dated 5 March 2012
Mr.Bert Sagum 第三次回覆, 日期:5 March 2012
Hi Stan, Thanks for posting footage of the movie. (我把"歲月流聲"開場時播出 Dancing on the moon 的片段連結傳給他看)

Ok question no.1.I think Frances Kirk who manage and produce our recording was responsible for the collaboration .Since she was the top female
recording artist and the Fabuluos Echoes are up coming Artist she thought It would be a great idea.

(關於與江玲的合作)是由 The Fabulous Echoes 的監製兼經理人 Frances Kirk 撮合的, 因為江玲是當時當紅的歌手, 適逢 The Fabulous Echoes 正在樂壇冒起, 與她合作是個好主意。

No.2. We only did few TV guest appearances, never in Sunya or Paramount .

我們(與江玲) 只在電視上客串演出, 並沒在新雅或百樂門夜總會一同演出。

No.3 Fran Kirk came up with idea to add Cantonese verse.

(江玲在 "South Pacific Twist" 中唱的廣東話歌詞, 下連 YouTube 1分38 秒開始)廣東話歌詞是由 Frances Kirk 提議的。


No.4 Vic wrote the music and he ask Frannie if she can help him write the lyric. Vic also does a lot of music arrangement for Frannies other artist.

(Sunshine 一曲) Vic Cristobal 作曲後找 Frances Kirk 幫手填詞。 Vic 亦替 Frances Kirk 旗下藝人編排樂曲。

"Sunshine" (click to see video in YouTube)

I hope these can be helpful to your friend. I will email you Fran Kirk email address in case you wanna know more. Aloha . Bert Sagum.
Sent from my iPad

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